Friday 20 June 2014

Psychic Protection or Promoting Being A Victim?

I have been teaching and experiencing the world of Spirit for years.  I have seen and worked with thousands of clients, stood on stages, given talks and have watched amazing things happen.   I feel truly blessed with having the chance to work with people and helping them develop their own psychic ability.  I know what I am going to write about, some will not agree with, and that is ok.  I am not even saying that I am right.  I am just giving you something to think about when it comes to psychic protection.

I get questions about this topic often.  Some of the things that I remind people are that we create our own reality by intent and energy.  We create our perception and thus the environment that we choose to be receptive to.  Quantum physics tells us that all possibilities are available to us in forms of waves to choose from.  To choose you need to be protected means you choose to live in a place where you are in danger and need somebody to watch over you so you do not get hurt.  This thought wave creates a place and calls out to the universe to manifest something to need protection from because you wanted to protect yourself.   


In Trilotherapy we are trained in Western Psychology AND Eastern Zen Buddhism.  The Buddha once said the following things;

“The mind is everything.  What you think you become”.
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves”.

How can your mind tell you that you are not safe to feel safe?  I do not understand.  It is getting you into the mindset of victimhood instead of a mindful creation.   Do not get me wrong, you are always creating, but you are creating without mindfulness.  You are creating what you do not want then blaming the “unsafe” universe.   Living in the light means that you ARE the light, not that you are in the dark with somebody flashing a spot light on you when they choose and then leaving you afraid and alone in the dark.   If you label something as “dark” or “evil” your mind will do everything it can to perceive it that way.   Think of a child that hears a monster banging at their window at night and the relief they feel when their parent turns on the light to show them it is simply a tree hitting their window.  The fear goes away instantly in the light once they know the truth.  

When you promote fear you are shining your dark on your mind.  The mind has to then create a whole new reality to match your thought patterns.  It is harder to block a river then to let it flow and it takes a lot of maintenance to keep the damn up. You are the light and in the light there is no darkness that exists but when you choose to step out of it into the illusion of others that darkness exists.  Do you stand in the sun, cover your eyes with your hand, then exclaim that the sun disappeared and we are all in danger of dying?  Sunglasses are protection from the damage we did to our ozone layer.  We were safe till we destroyed it, and are now fearful of the sun.  Do you see the poor in Africa wearing sunglasses?  No.  They are not all blind.  They have bigger things to fear like food, housing and clean water.  

My suggestion to you is that when you think you need psychic protection it is because you have chosen to cover your eyes from your own light and then fear the darkness you created.  Instead we find out why you don’t feel safe.  What happened to you that made you doubt your light and the amazing ability of your Spirit Guides and Angels.  To call in your Angels and be the light is confirming your place in this light.  To then protect yourself means you doubt this, thus creating fear.

Here is a list of what some people think they need protection from to stand in the light and never be a victim again.  They can stand in the dark and you can witness them from the light.  Do not leave your light to stand in their dark to find light that you already had.

Energy drainers: You are afraid to say no and draw boundaries because you think people wont like you if you say no.  People pleaser.

Negative Spirit Attachment:  You covered your light to see their dark and instead of having compassion for it and helping them to see their light, you saw their fear and became their darkness and are now feeding it.

It is Scary out there in the Spirit World: somebody who is afraid taught you to be afraid.  You simply do not understand how the universe works and the microcosmic world of creation that our Science is now having the ability to detect and prove.  

Ghosts haunt me:  Understanding consciousness, string theory and the multiverse.  I am not saying they are not there, but to say they are there to harm you is the only thing that harms you.

These are just a few examples.  I have been trained to work with “dark energies” from the other side and have seen many terrible manifestations of fear at work.  Fear created from the physical world from my clients, and also the ghost living in fear.   I have yet to meet anybody that is afraid of the dark when they ARE the light.  Sharing with the Spirit that they are the light too is the only thing you need to do.  

This comes with confidence and training under the right mentor and teacher.  If the things I said to you do not make sense and covering your eyes to say you are in the dark feels better… you have free will.  Just be careful of what you create and then give the responsibility of your creation to others and label them for your creation.  The only constant in life is change.   When you change your mind that you are always in the light, this is the only “protection” that you need.    When you stay in the light, you can see more anyways….

My readings as an evidential medium, (meaning I give proof), have touched the lives and shone light onto so many others without fear and heaviness.  I only back up my theory by my clients and how I feel about working.   I would not enjoy my work so much if I felt I was not safe every time I worked.   

Try this experiment.   You know your bedroom very well right?  You walk in there hundreds of times.   Think of a shirt you know is hanging in your closet right now.  Go to your bedroom door and walk in with your eyes closed.  You cannot look down and see if there is anything on the floor or if you might step on something.  Try to go to your closet and pick that shirt.   You can touch and feel and move things around if you want to but once you pick it you cannot change your mind.  Open your eyes.  How did you do?  How long did it take?  How did you feel while you were doing it?  Were you anxious and worried you would be wrong?  Were you moving slower because you thought you might be stepping on things?  Were you right?

Now lets do it with the lights on.  Go on and actually walk through the experiment not just read about it.  Your mind works better when it has something tactile (something real in this world you can touch), instead of just reading about a thought and a theory.  By doing it, it becomes reality and a new thought process to draw upon.  

How did you do with the lights on?  Was it faster?  Were you more confident and relaxed?  Was it more enjoyable with the lights on?  Were you right?

It is your choice to stand in the dark of your life and be afraid of what you cannot see, or you can simply accept you are light.  You do call yourself “light workers” and not “dark workers” don’t you?   Time to step up to your own label and do not try to work in the light while fearing the possibility that you are dark.  It is costing you your confidence and your trust.  It is not worth the exchange, trust me.

Protect yourself from the darkness your mind creates instead.


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