Friday 11 July 2014

Super moon in Capricorn - July 12, 2014

“Buck Moon”/ “Thunder Moon”

It is not news that humans have a connection with the moon.  Our world is affected by it from the rise and fall of the tides to the amount of sleep we get.  On average, most people will get 50 minutes less sleep during a full moon.

This summer is special because we will have three Super moons.  The first one is July 12, then August 10, and then finally September 9 2014.   A moon is considered a “super moon” when it makes its closest approach to Earth during its orbit.  It is a time known as the moon’s perigee.  The super moon that will actually produce the closest to Earth will be in August with a distance of 356,896 kilometers or 221,765 miles, at 11:44 am MST.  The actual term “super moon” first appeared in a 1979 astrology publication and people have been using the term to describe the beauty of the moon in perigee ever since.

Super moon in Capricorn is a very strong time for us.  The Sun is in Cancer bringing us the energy of the archetype of the Mother, and the Moon in Capricorn with the energy of the archetype of the Father.  Ahhh balance.  Sometimes though in order to find balance you must take some things away and add other things.  Do not get attached to things you must let go of.  Have faith that when you let go of this, you can receive that, whatever the THAT is that you need right now to find balance.

The full moon illuminates not just the earth but also the soul to help you find this balance.  Mother and Father often represent the home and feeling safe.  What do you need to feel safe right now?  What makes you feel unsafe and have to guard yourself?  The Sun in Cancer allows you to honour your feelings.  Reflect on them and see if they are a manifestation of your fearful ego, or the reality of a situation.  Parents rule us as children, but it is time to let go of
their rule and appreciate your chance to control your own life and emotions.   If we do not take control, others will.

A BUCK Moon is called so because a buck deer begins to grow new antlers.   Is it time to develop and grow your own path in life and shed how you got here to truly be here?  The THUNDER Moon is named so because of the many thunderstorms that take place in July.  It is ok to make some noises to make these changes.  Embrace them.  Thunder is caused by moister, unstable air and lift.   We can equate this to your tears, your thoughts of change and the joy of the change.  Remember that thunderstorms never last long, but are needed to find balance again. 

The atoms in our body are held together with light.  Light carries information.  The light from this Super moon will be shining this energy into your body and soul.  What you choose to do with this information is up to you as always.

Let the thunder role.


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