iIt happens to all of us. We all grow up.
What about Indigo children. How do they grow up?
Do they?
That is a bit of the irony here. Of coarse they do. Everybody grows up. But how do they grow up differently? The key to remember is that they felt grown up when they were still children. Most people will say that their Indigo child was very "mature" for their age. That is it. They did not feel like they had an age. They came into this world feeling like a conscious adult that had work to do. Yes they can still play and act silly, but you will notice a sense of seriousness about them as well. Many parents say, "It's like he/she is 9 going on 30"
What happens when they really are an adult? Something many people don't like to talk about is the pain that many Indigo Adults go through. The feeling of inauthenticity, depression and failure. The feeling like they just do not want to be here anymore. The feeling like they do not belong and in some way are homesick. Did they make a mistake coming here they ask?
Why does this happen? You see one of the most beautiful traits is that Indigos are honest. They vibrate to a frequency of truth and equality and being around the vibration of dishonesty and separation feels detrimental to them. It can cause them to get either angry or sad.
When this happens, it can feel to them like "what is the point"? They begin to not care about what happens to them or around them because they cannot change it so why bother caring? It hurts to care and see the misbalance so they have to survive by not caring. This can creep into their own lives as well. They can begin to not care about their own lives.
You will often find Indigo Children in their teens using any tool they can to do so. Some may turn to marijuana to feel better and to help them stop thinking so they can sleep. Indigos are very hard on themselves so think of their mistakes over and over again. They start to feel like failures and can get caught in this habit. I am not here to judge the use of it, but do be aware that there are better ways. Music is an amazing way to calm the Spirit. Be aware though that what is calming to us, may be too boring for them. Many Indigo teens love deep beats and loud music because it actually calms them. The fast pace and deep tracks match their frequency better so it balances them. Remember they are different than you, so do not expect them to like what they like. Ask them instead why they like it. You will often get " I don't know, I just do". Indigo Teens do not feel the need to explain themselves not because they are rude or disrespectful; but more they are used to telepathy and have not really mastered how to get their thoughts out of their head and into yours. Be patient. They are trying.
You will often find Indigo Adults in their 20's having a hard time deciding what to go to school for or holding a job. They get bored and see that this is not going to help them expand their consciousness and they do not see the point to that. They leave. They want to be challenged and grow but in a loving and meaningful way that they feel will not make a difference to just them, but to EVERYTHING.
If they have not figured out how to do this, they can feel inadequate or the opposite, to think they are better than others and just fade off into their own world because others don't get them.
If they are sad too long, the anger will appear. They will often think other people are STUPID for acting the way they do. It is not that they really do think they are better than others, they cannot understand how others can be so disconnected. They do not understand how others do not see that hurting another is actually hurting yourself. This is illogical which seems stupid. They would rather be mad than sad.
But Now What?
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Often the head and the heart argue to be the BOSS |
Nobody wants to walk around mad or sad do they? They feel like they are doing a ton of work yet have nothing to show for it. How can they get over this hump? They start by realizing they cannot control the world, just the choices they make in theirs. There are alternatives to just sad or angry. Let's look at a few. TRILOTHERAPY was created by a Zen Master after decades of studying Ancient Buddhist Philosophies and Eastern Psychology. Tri, means three. Lo means knowledge, and Therapy means to help. The Heart is one, the Head is 2, but what is 3? You!
You forgot about you. Often the head says one thing but the heart says another. You are torn between the two. Which one is right and which one is wrong. There is always a winner and a loser and Indigo's HATE to be wrong. If they learn to make choices from a centre of awakening of themselves, not the head nor the heart, they will end their suffering.
Let's see how this could work.
Head Says Heart Says You Say
He's stupid Give him another chance I will be patient and explain
I hate my job Let's have fun instead Do something fun after work
I can't be around idiots Don't be so mean Love them for what they are
I need to get out of here I need to love more I need to get more in touch with myself and meditate
The beliefs of Trilotherapy we suggest you meditate to are:
Life is Beautiful
It is okay to enjoy things
And Everything Is all Right
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For more information on Trilotherapy, Visit:!trilotherapy/csqb |
Check back when we discuss some of the minerals and vitamins that can really help an Indigo feel much better while they are on their journey here.
If you are an Indigo Child, make sure to check out our Store. We have a class that would be just perfect for you. The first part is for parents learning how to deal with a child in a loving way, but with the boundaries they need. The second part explains to the children what crystals are, which ones work for them and how they can use them to help feel better.
Indigo Adults, keep an eye out for our in class workshops at The Home of OM on how to balance your life and find the joy you deserve and need.