Saturday 30 July 2016

Fastest and Simplest Way To Stay Postive Around Negative People. A Must Read For Sensitive Souls.

There you are just trying to be happy.  Minding your own business and then BAM you hit one of these guys.  They people in your life that seem to constantly complain, are grumpy and POOF, there goes your good day.  You went from feeling great, to feeling anxious, to upset, and to angry or sad yourself.  How does this happen?  I have one simple answer for you, and it might surprise you.  It has nothing to do with them at all.  It is all you baby.



Yep,  Your energy changed because YOU judged them.  You stood in front of what they put out and classified it either as good or bad.  This is not your natural state, and it takes a lot of energy to judge somebody.  You have to put yourself in the situation or stay in it if it comes to you.  You have to feel what they are feeling.  You have to decide if you like it or not.  You have to decide if it's about you, (most of the time you think it is).  You take it personally.  You defend yourself.  You dont want to think you are bad or wrong so now you have to go from defending to attacking.  You have to get a few blows when they defend your attack and that hurts... ouch.  You have to decide when to stop the back and forth.  If you dont like confrontation you will try to numb yourself so it does not bother you.  Then you have to recover.  Phew.  That sounds like a lot of work doesn't it?

You have no idea what is going on in their life.  What if that "gumpy" woman is really a tired mom who was up with a sick child all night and is not grumpy at all but just really tired and worried about her child?  You deemed her grumpy.  She really is a loving person who loved so much she left nothing for herself and then is giving what little she did had at work instead of calling in sick herself.   Do you still feel like she is a grumpy person that you can roll your eyes at?  The boss that just ran by you and ignored you when you said good morning may have just a phone call that is his wife after 8 years of trying is pregnant and is running home to hug and cry with her with tears of joy.  Yeah, you are right, he is so stuck up and he does not like you at all.  


Judging them just shows that you are ignorant to the situation, you may have unrealistic expectations of people, you think you are better than them, you are not being grateful, you are self- centered, are closed off and perhaps  LIKE judging people as a pass time.  Ouch.  Sting a bit?  I know you dont mean to do any of these things.  Perhaps it is time to pay more attention to what you are doing than what they are doing.   You are not helping them, or yourself by adding to the situation without knowing what is going on, even your opinion of what is going on.  Let's look at it differently.  If a man is drowning, you would not bring him water.  He needs the opposite.  He needs land.  If a house is on fire, you do not bring a match or more fire, you bring them them opposite.  You bring water.  If you think somebody is angry,  does it make sense to bring more anger?   The only way you will know is to ask.  To reach out and connect with an open heart.  For example,  "Hey Kevin, I saw you slamming the door and when Karen said good morning to you, you rushed right by her.  You are such a nice guy, I wanted to make sure you were all right since this isn't your normal behaviour.  Are you ok?  Is there anything I can do?"  Now what Kevin says to you after this is out of your hands, but you handled it with grace and fairness. This takes NO energy at all because this is who you are. You are not the judging and punishing kind.

Let's look at some ways to stop judging:

Bless instead of judge.  Your brain cannot do two things at one time.

Be less critical on yourself.  Those that are self critical are outwardly critical to others.

Replace the judgement with a positive, true statement.  "I don't know what is going on with so and so, but I hope they are doing better soon"

Catch yourself when you are assuming things, not knowing things

Be more compassionate

Stop keeping track or giving and taking away points.  When you do something for somebody you do it for peace and kindness not to get one up on them

Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements. 

If you want to give constructive criticism try saying something they did well, the way to do even better, and praise something again.  They need to hear more good stuff than bad stuff to feel you were not just judging them.

and finally

If a cow moos, let them moo.  If a cat meows, let them meow.  The cat is not a bad cow because it meows;  it is a good cat.

Let people be who they are and who they need to be.  We cannot be afraid to express our emotions and feelings because we think people will not like us if we are honest.  Now if somebody is abusive, they do not  have the right to physically hurt you.  Verbal abuse is hurtful.  Remember though, that you don't have to believe what they say.  You only become it if you believe it.  People do not defend what they know to be true.  They know it is the others illusion that is at play, not their own. 

I want to share a bracelet with you that I made to help people always stay in the light even when other's are in the dark.  It has such a wonderful holographic look to these crystals that it will help you to see through the illusion that you feel the need to judge, and keep you in a positive light.

Click Here To See The Bracelet. Bet It Makes You SMILE

Here is a YouTube video with Gregg Bradden explaining how to deal with the world around you with compassion.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Empath Clearing Exercise With The Angels

Feeling Overwhelmed? Are you what some people term an Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person? Let me show you how to call upon the Angels to create a circle of peace can help.

First if you are lucky enough to own an Angel Aural bracelet, please get that out and wear it on your non dominant hand. This is your receiving hand. Angel Aura is the strongest crystal that is connected to the Angelic Realm. If you don not have one, simply look at the picture of ours below for a few minutes. Look at the colours, the shapes, how the circle feels safe and complete with no beginning and no ending. Imagine this bracelet is huge and around you. You are in the centre of it. We choose this bracelet is our Archangel Miracle Bracelet because it has auralite 23 in it which has 23 crystals in one. This covers all the crystals for all the Angels in one bracelet!

Now imagine that you are in the middle of this circle of Angel Aura and Auralite 23. See this sacred circle in a beautiful white light from God. Imagine, sense or feel that each of the beads turns into Angels. Each bead is a calling for an Angel that you need most at this time to enter the circle. See yourself surrounded by Angels and feel the immense love.

Let them remind you that you are not over sensitive, that you are a loving and kind person that understands the laws of one, that we are all one and this higher understanding makes this density of existence that hurt one another on purpose, harder for you than others that are numb or still sleeping.

Now imagine that any energies of fear, unworthiness, stress and confusion leave your body in the form of coloured lights. It does not matter which colours they show up, just let the Angels do this for you. See these coloured light make their way to the Angels around you till the circle is clear. Feel the Angel's blessing of peace and love.

Watch now as the Angels around you ascend into heaven with the energy that is no longer serving you to transmute it into love and harmony, leaving you at peace with yourself and others.

Do this as often as you feel the need to, knowing that the Angels are always there for you and that you are not over sensitive, but the world is under sensitive.

I hope this Helped.

If you are interested in purchasing a bracelet and having it made custom for you and your energy, please visit the link below.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Clearing Exercise for Empaths

Empaths are people that can pick up other peoples emotions and feel them like they are their own.  What can sometimes happen is that the energy and feeling of another sticks to you and you think start to feel heavy and confused, even depressed and do not really understand why.   Let's look at some of the science behind what your brain is doing.  

The limbic system is what handles your emotions.  The really interesting part of this part of  you, is that it cannot tell what is real and what is not real.  How is that possible you ask?  Let's try an experiment.  Think of eating a big, sour, fat and juicy lemon.  Imagine that sour juice on your tongue, swishing around your mouth and slowing dripping down your throat.  Drink some more of that lemon juice.   Did your saliva glands under your jaw tighten and act up like you really were eating a lemon?  For the majority of us, this is an instinctual and almost immediate effect.  But why?  We knew there was no lemon, but your brain sent a signal to the body that there was AND told your body to respond like there really was.  Now if you will do that with just a lemon... that you really are not attached to or emotionally invested in, what are you doing with people?  Get it?

Ok now that we know what you are doing, how can we help you to stop doing that but still feeling feelings?  

You brush your teeth twice a day right?  You clean them and take care of them because you know that you use them every day and they are something that if you do not take care of, they will decay and you may lose them.  If you get a toothache, you might try to avoid chewing on that part of the mouth for a while, you may get some pain medication for it to stop the pain for a while, but it eventually comes back.  Most of us ignore the pain and try to tolerate it for as long as we can before we got to the dentist.  When we finally do because it hurts so bad, we pay the consequences of not taking better care of our teeth. A filling or even an extraction.  

Let's look at some ways to brush your chakras, or clean your chakras.  Chakras are energy points in your body that connect you to the Universe and the Universe to you.  It is what you give out that others perceive you as, and what you let in.  Notice it is not what you are when you let in.  You have free will so you can block love, acceptance, safety, health and abundance if you want to.  You can BLOCK your chakras.  Fear, pain, illness, drugs, addictions, anger, guilt and shame are just a few things that block these power wheels of life.

Clearing Your Chakras

We know this is new to some of you so lets start simple.  Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Breath in red light into the base of the spine where your root chakra is and imagine pure loving energy from the Universe filtering inside that area.  Hold your breath for just a second or two while the balanced energy clears the unbalanced energy.  Now breath out red light.  Do this three times.  Feel more and more relaxed with each breath you take.

Now do the same for each of the other 6 chakras.  Breathing in the colour light from the Universe into the part of the body where that chakra is held, Holding it for a second or two, and releasing anything that is no longer serving you as you breath out that colour light.  Don't judge it, don't try to "heal" it, let the breath, the Universe and the chakras do that for you without the bias of your wounded ego.

Do this in the morning before you get out of bed, and at night before you fall asleep.  If you are starting to feel stressed out during the day, you can simply do this exercise whenever you need to, finding balance and clarity.

Next blog will be about what crystals can help clear the chakras.  How just holding them can aid in balancing, and we will share the most powerful crystal on the planet with you.  What crystal can clear ALL of them and is like holding 23 crystals in one?????

If you like crystals, please check out our Home Of OMMM Etsy store.  All money is donated back to our Licensed Psychic School where we never turn away people because of financial means.  All our jewelry is handmade and designed to increase your Psychic Abilities and help you find peace and calm in your life. Click or copy and paste the link below

Written By Angel Rogers

Head Instructor at The Home Of OM Psychic School

Dojo Sensei for Zen Master Nissim Amon

Zen Councillor


Master Chakra Healer

Advanced Angel Medium

Master Channeller

Past Life Regressionist

Akashic Record Healer

Qigong Practitioner

Trance Healer

Certified Crystal Healer

Trained to deal with Dark Energies

Meditation Coach

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Keys To Meditation. How A Ring Can Teach You To Meditate

How Can This Ring Help You Release  Anxiety, Stress, Help Bring Clarity and Improve Your Health?

This is not just a ring.  This is a sterling silver spinning meditation ring.  It is hand hammered in India and designed with one thing in mind, your well being.  The key to meditation rings, is yes, you guess it, meditation.  Many people think they cannot meditate because they cannot sit on the floor perfectly still and not think of anything for an hour at a time.  They give up and think that this is the ONLY way to meditate.  As a meditation coach, I can tell you that this is not the case.  You just have not found the right way to meditate for you. There are way too many benefits of meditation to just give up that easily on.  

How spinning rings work as a form of meditation is pretty easy to understand once you know that meditation can mean many things.  The main thing you want to get is clarity and focus.  Your mind only wants to do one thing at a time.  It knows that it can really only do one thing well at a time.  In our day to day lives we are often pulled in many directions and even when sitting at dinner are thinking about work, kids, bills etc.  You are trying to focus two, sometimes three or four things at a time.  Your brain gets exhausted.  It then feels very tired, overworked but does not have the rewards of all this work.  If you focus on one thing at a time, you can get great rewards out of it because you are present, you are THERE to enjoy and reap the rewards.   Ever eat the last bite of a snack and then feel confused or cheated because you did not know it was the last bite and you did not savour it?  You were not focused on eating, and enjoying what you were eating, you were probably thinking of something else.

Who A Meditation Ring Can Benefit

Well everybody.  First of all, our designs are beautiful.   Lets make a check list besides beauty.  Do you...

Have a hard time focusing

Over think

Get stuck in the past

Get anxious

Tried to meditate but cant stop thinking


Do you fiddle or doodle


Interrupted sleep patterns

Have a bad habit you are trying to stop

How It Works

A meditation ring does not have to be worn like a traditional ring.  It can be worn above the knuckle too as long as it is snug and does not pose a risk to falling off.  A new trend is to actually wear them up high.  Using the tips of your fingers on either hand, you simply spin the spinner parts of the ring.  That's it.  You have meditated.  How the heck does that work?  While you were looking at the ring and spinning it, you are to only look at the ring and only think about the spinning.  You have focused on one thing at a time and it allowed your brain to take a mental break even for a minute.  They key here is to notice you are spinning.  Breath deeply and slowly and start with 30 seconds.  Next time go to 1 minute.  Do this through out the day to get mini breaks in.  Spinning it during the day can also help you get rid of tension and anxiety.  It give that energy you are holding on to a way out.  You sure know you can get it in, but this gives it a way out.  Stress is the number one killer in North America.  The rings come in many beautiful shapes and designs and provide a way for you to give yourself a meditation break whenever you need to.

Remember that there are many ways to meditate, not just one.  Each provides its own unique benefit.  Another way for the busy mind to meditate is to simply look around your surroundings and tell yourself 10 things that you see.  It immediately grounds you and brings you back to the present moment.  You have to be HERE to tell yourself what you are seeing here.  You will find yourself calming down and heart beat returning to normal very quickly.  Remember meditation is for everybody, and works right away.  You deserve to be happy, healthy and at

If you are interested in buying one for yourself or somebody you love, please check out The Home Of OMMM on Etsy where you can purchase one.  All money from the sale of the rings goes back to the School to help pay rent so they can afford to see people who cannot afford to pay  with money, but love and gratitude

Shop For Meditation Rings By Clicking Here.

Written By:  Angel Rogers

Dojo Sensei For Zen Master Nissim Amon, Meditation Coach, Zen Councillor, Head Instructor at The Home of OM Licensed Psychic School, Master Medium and Hypnotherapist.

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Highly Sensitive People either shut down when they are criticized or they attack. There has got to be a happy medium. Here are some tips to...