Thursday 8 October 2015

Full Of Self Doubt When It Comes To Your Psychic Gifts? Good!

 Yes.  I said "Good".  Why?  Because it means you are doing something right.  How can that be?  I have taught thousands of people how to start trusting their psychic gifts for many years now.  What I tell them is that I do not teach them how to be psychic, but I give them a chance to experience that they already are.  What's the difference?   Let's look at it another way.

Would you like me to teach you to make a million dollars or would you like me to remind you that you already have a million dollars and just show you where you put it?  I don't have to teach you to be something you already are, I just have to witness it for you and point it out.  Sometimes it is so easy for us, we forget how psychically rich we already are.

Let's start by showing you why your doubt is important.  First when you are "doubting" something, what does that really mean?  According to


v. doubt·eddoubt·ingdoubts
1. To be undecided or skeptical about: began to doubt some accepted doctrines.
2. To tend to disbelieve; distrust: doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements.
3. To regard as unlikely: doubt that we'll arrive on time.
4. Archaic To suspect; fear.
To be undecided or skeptical.

What are you skeptical about?  What are you distrusting?  What do you think is unlikely?  What are you undecided about when it comes to your psychic gifts?

Skeptical that the information is right
Distrusting the origin of the information
Unlikely that you are psychic
Undecided if you even want to be

Do you know why you are skeptical if the information is right?  Because you don't know.  Simple.  You have to take a risk here.  How do you find out?  You ask the person you are trying to practice with by simply telling them the information you got.  I call this  "catch and release".    You will never know if it is right because the information is a new thought and not for you.  If you are trying to meditate and getting answers for yourself, still scepticism is all right.  It means it is something you are not sure of.   This means it is a new idea.  Wait, is that not what you sat down and tried to get?  So you got what you asked for and you are still not content?  Hmmmmm

Distrust.  It is understandable if you do not trust yourself all the time.  It can also mean you are humble and know that you have much to learn.  This is beautiful.  It means you are flexible and not rigid.  We are human.  We make mistakes.  You do not want to make mistakes.  Accept you will be wrong now and then and that is all right.  You can always get more information and continue your quest.  Trust Spirit and the Universe or God instead.  The more you sit in meditation and feel at peace, the more you will learn to trust that you are part of something bigger that can never fail you.  Only when you distrust that you are alone do you fail.  Meditate.  Connect.  I dare you to listen to this 3 minute track and NOT feel connected to something bigger.  Sit back and listen.  Love to hear your comments on how you felt after listening to this.

If you felt at peace after hearing this, you have proven you are born psychic.  You allowed yourself to experience a connection to something greater.  In just 3 minutes you slowed down enough to feel connected to yourself and when you did this you felt at peace.  You connected through another.  You connected to another from your own self.  This is psychic.  This is who you are.  You are one.  Slow down.  Meditate.  Do not try to speed up and go faster and faster.   Do you know there are some things that science cannot explain how our bodies work?  We are just beginning to understand the power of the human mind.  If you are ever in doubt that we are born this way, talk to an Indigo Child or Adult.  These are souls that are born not forgetting that they are one.  They know when others are lying and hate the fact they are not seen as equals even at the age of 3.  They want the same rights you do as the adult.  Why?  Because they feel the same.  Is that really so bad?  They are born with a sense of equality and we destroy it by our ego.  You are no different than them.  You just forgot.  It is unlikely that we are not connected to a greater source.    Want proof?  Take a look at the picture below.  Did you grimace?  Did you connect to the emotion?  Did you "imagine" what it would feel like?  Congrats, you were just "psychic".

Still undecided?  You don't have to become a a weirdo or take it to the extreme others do.  Being psychic just means that you trust the signals your body and mind are telling you.  It means instead of ignoring it, you ask more questions and investigate it.  It is your warning mechanism to live a life of joy and peace.  Why would you not want that?  Exploring your psychic side will not turn you into this....
Unless you want to.  Then more power to you.  It is just not the "look" I am going for.

One last thing.  At about 18 months you become self aware.  This means that you know who you are.  You can look in the mirror and know that that is you or not.  What would it look like if you were not self aware?  Let's take a peek at these animals who have not figured it out yet.

Your brain knows your thoughts and your words.  It knows you.  When a thought from your Higher Self or your Guides pops into your brain, the fact that you are  DOUBTFUL is proof that it is not your own thoughts.  If it was you, you would not have asked....."Is that me?"  

Simple.  Fact.  Use it.

Use your doubt as proof that you are psychic.  Do not get rid of it.  Keep it.  It means you are not crazy after all.

If you are interested in finding out more about your abilities, I do private sessions on Skype, phone and in person at my office in Calgary Alberta.

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