Friday 12 September 2014

Messages From the other Side Through The Radio?

The world works on frequencies.  Relationships formed from one frequency to another to create something we can observe.  The reaction to these interactions is usually how our mind basis reality on.  What your mind sees and hears can be very different from what another will see and hear because we all have a form of filter around us.  It comes from our own unique life experiences from our joys to our sorrows and fears.  Two people can look at the same picture and see very different things.    Radio waves are electromagnetic and thus can carry information on it.  If you have something that can pick up the signal that they are sending out, i.e. a radio, then you can receive the information and listen to it.  It is always out there if the radio is off or on; it is just a matter of when you  “tune” in.

Today we are going to do a neat experiment that needs you to be a willing and open-minded participant to work.  If you are here reading this blog, we assume you are that already!  When people want to contact the other side to communicate with people they love, they are always looking for a path.  A place to start.  Once you get a place to start, and you have some trust, then the path leads you someplace beautiful.  You get to know you are not alone and that your loved ones are always with you.  People doubt their connection and ability to hear messages from the other side, but it is usually because you are trying to hear with your ears and your head.  Hear with your heart instead.  It is not full of doubt, your head is.  The instant you accept a message from the other side, your heart feels great, but then you bring that feeling up into your head and that nasty ego and fear takes it from you.  Your heart felt good, then you brought it to your head, and then the heart picked up on the fear and ego and threw out the good for the negative.  It sucks.

What we are going to do today is let Spirit interact with you.  We know information is carried on radio waves.  It is easy for Spirit on the other side to work with electricity because of its wavelength and our interaction with it through our own bio magnetic field.  Yes, the human body creates electricity of sort.  Even when you are sleeping you are generating 81 watts and this moves up to 1, 630 watts when you are sprinting according to Center for Space Power and Advanced Electronics.

When we combine your energy with the radio waves, permission from you for Spirit to contact you in this form, an open mind and trust… the messages from Spirit can blow you away.   One day I had turned on my Sirius radio and was scrolling through when the Elvis radio came on.  My dad, who passed away in 2011 loved Elvis.  The title of the song caught my eye because it was about having a good trip and I was going on a trip the next day.  I laughed and asked out loud “ Dad are you talking to me through Elvis radio”?   The next song title that came on was “Your Father Lives Here”!   
I pulled over and took a picture of the screen with my camera and sent it to my sister.  Just so you know, there is no such song as this from Elvis.  Coincidence or communication from my father?  I choose communication with my father and live in a world where magic happens and he is always with me.  I had proof of it.

So now it is your time to communicate with the other side.  Let’s start with your Spirit Guide.  It is ok if you never worked with them before or don’t know who they are, trust me, they know you.   What I would like you to try is to just simply ask for a message from your Spirit Guide through the radio.  Do not tell them what to do or how to do it or make a request.  This is not long distance dedication time.   Let them decided and work their magic.  Asking to hear a certain Led Zeppelin song and then turn the radio on and it not being played right now is kind of limiting no?  Instead simply ask them to give you a message through the radio.  Give it 3 songs. 

Now listen and pay attention.  There may be a certain verse that makes you go THAT’S IT!  Something will hit you and move you.  If you even have to wonder if that was it…THAT WAS IT!  Use your body as a tool.  Did it react?  Some get goose bumps; some just feel lighter while others feel nothing but a sense of knowledge to pay attention.    It may not be as dramatic as mine was that day, but you can let them use their energy with yours.  I strongly suggest you do not do this exercise while driving though.  Just take a few moments out of your day and work with it.

Try it a few times.  Don’t go hunting for it, let it come to you and observe it.  You could be feeling really sad and all of a sudden Taylor Swift’s song “Shake It Off” comes on and it is their message to not let the small things bother you and to move on.  You could be worried about money and a country song about being broke but having love is your message.  Don’t limit yourself to what you think is possible, give it to them.   The message will make you feel warm and supported not prickly and defeated.  If it feels heavy, it is probably your ego.  Messages from Spirit are nothing but light.

Feel free to contact us about your experience in our Comments box.  We do our best to answer and interact with everybody.  

Don’t forget that The Home of OM offers full range of classes and private sessions teaching you how to communicate with the other side. 


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