Thursday 27 March 2014

Crystals hold the healing energies of Mother Earth

Crystals hold the healing energies of Mother Earth. They are used in many of our day-to-day activities without even noticing it. Your cell phone and computers both use crystals as forms of energy and information transfer. The reason why crystals are used is because they can carry information back and forth, not just a one way transfer like some other things. They also are able to amplify the message and information, making it easier to receive, without damaging the sender, the receiver, nor compromise the integrity of the information.

Crystals allow you to connect with the healing energies of our Earth and help send the healing vibration to where you need it the most. They can communicate with your energy field and tap into what your conscious mind may not be aware of. It is a beautiful symbiotic relationship.

I invite you to take the chance to receive some of this energy right now. Just close your eyes and focus your breath on your heart center. Simply concentrate on you right now and take 3 deep breaths. Ask your heart what it needs to know right now to heal. Look at the crystal chart and let your heart pull you to one. Do not be surprised if you are drawn to one you normally would not like. Your heart is calling out not your personality. Find the corresponding number and get your message.

I created this chart and writings because I wanted it to be used as a tool of healing not just a personality quiz. I wanted something that you could share and find resonance in and reconnect back with your heart. Thank you for sharing yours with me.

  1. Labradorite. This is traditionally seen as a stone of transformation. It is the stone of healers and increases your intuition and psychic abilities. You were drawn to the shape as well. This is the shape of a worry stone. You may find yourself a natural healer but drawn to worrying about other people too much. This is a call to stop worrying as it is drawing life force energy from you. Worry never heals anyways, but prayer does. Sit in meditation and turn that intuition towards inner healing, asking why it is so easy to care for others but harder to care for you. Your healing message is to start taking care of your own needs and transform worry into positive prayer and manifestations of lightness not heaviness.
  2. Rhodonite. This is a stone that is referred to as “the rescue stone”. You have a big generous and gorgeous spirit to you. You do not set boundaries to your love and in turn may feel others take advantage of your kindness and generosity, which creates a sense of feeling unappreciated. The cracks in the pink represent times where your heart felt insignificant. Your healing messages are to have boundaries. Know you are allowed to say no and still be a loving person. When you say “yes” but want to say “no”, you are now giving resentment not love. This helps nobody. Simply using the statement “ I can’t do this__________, but I can do that___________” will give you a positive way to have boundaries but still stay in your loving and giving nature.
  3. Amber. Notice the clarity of this stone you were drawn to. If you were drawn to a stone of self-confidence and empowerment of the solar plexus chakra it means that you have to accept your innocence. There are people that are hurt in the world and feel better when they hurt somebody else. There is a saying that misery loves company. It does not have to be your company. You are an honest person and if you did something not up to your standards of living in joy, you admit it. Do not try to find what is not there, it is madness. Chances are if you have been looking for a way to blame yourself for too long, it is because there is no blame to be found. Your messages is to accept your responsibility, but do not accept other’s responsibility. It is ok to let your heart out of your cage, but invite your head with you. You are safe.
  4. Elestial Quartz. Look at its shape. It is reaching out for something. From the base to every movement of growth it is reaching up and yearning to connect with something. But what? Yourself. If you chose this crystal you are guided to start meditating more and concentrate on developing the ability to trust your Higher Self. You are an amazing person but only find out your Higher Self was right when you don’t listen to it and get hurt. Trust yourself. It is also a stone of rapid growth. You have the ability to quickly turn your situation around by understanding you cannot control pain, but you can control how you react to the pain. Before you REact, or do what you always do, ask your Higher Self the truth about the situation, it will not lie to you even if you will.
  5. Hematite. Look at its rough edges yet is still shiny. It is lumpy and had grown randomly. It is a stone of protection, willpower, courage, trust and optimism. If you chose this crystal you may feel attacked from all over. It also means that you allow others to influence how you feel about the world and about yourself. Your healing message is to understand that you are not them. You do not become them just being around them. If you have a lot of energy drainers from you simply have the courage to be optimistic even when they are being downers. You may have to do an inventory and spend more time with positive people that don’t zap away your self-esteem. Balance out your in vs. out when in stressful situations or even thoughts that bring you stress. Breath in white light and breath OUT white light. Become the light do not just surround yourself in it, be it. Light is not afraid of the dark.
  6. Prehnite. An infinite stone of love for the heart. It is also the stone for Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing. It is the stone of inner knowledge as well. If you are drawn to the bubble look of the crystal it means you are about to surface from your pain. You are about to break through a painful habit and understand the will of the heart. Ask for the pain you have been feeling to serve your highest good and trust the strengthened intuition this will give you. Ask for the third eye to be open with love to a level best suited for you at this time so you may see the situation from a different angle and light. With this stone comes the blessing of Raphael for healing of the body, mind and spirit. Invite this Angel into your life today, he heard your cry for help and is here for you. You are loved.
  7. Blue Coral. Strands of blue coral may tell me that you that you are overthinking things. You are stuck in a through process that may be negative instead of inspiring. Blue coral is one of the few elements associated with the pineal gland. This is what some call “the seat of the soul”. Do not allow yourself to sit in these negative thought patterns, as this is your manifestation ability creating what you do not even want. Instead concentrate on looking at the positive. Your pineal gland is connection to greater consciousness. If you were drawn to the many beads of the stone you have a busy mind and are being guided to entice it with positive consciousness instead of the negative back and forth you are struggling with. You are a very deep individual and have the ability to make profound changes with just one slight change of thought. Your joy is not miles or years away but right here right now. Ask for higher consciousness to guide you. To stop negative thought patterns in their tracks simply say or think, “Just love me”. It is a law of the universe. It has to. All negative thought patterns disappear. It is your gift today to use these words as often as you need to.
  8. Lapis Lazuli.  A round dark blue stone. The sphere represents wholeness and unity. It is time to literally get it together and make some strong choices to demand better for your self. You teach people how to treat you. Surround yourself in the love and protection of Archangel Michael as he reminds you that you deserve to be treated better. He holds you in his arms today asking you to be kind to yourself and speak up for yourself. Your words matter to this world and hold a kindness that just speaking heals. It heals not just others but yourself. Try humming today and start showing your throat positive and loving energy is a beautiful thing to run through it. You are protected. It is a strong healing stone and if drawn to it your acceptance in your self worth is much in need of healing. Let the universe love you even when you cannot and you will find the truth in which you are.
  9. Carnelian.  A crystal for the emotional balance and the ability to let go. There are many little stones in this picture. You hold onto many things that you need to let go of. There is a great compassion for your sorrows at this time as we recognize the gentle soul that you are. There is something called “the ancient gift of the blessing” that will help you with this today. Simply think of a person or situation you need to let go of and repeat the following three simple yet powerful phrases. “I forgive myself for being hurt”. “I forgive those that hurt me”. And “I forgive those that witnessed my pain”. You cannot forgive when you are judging right and wrong. Remember when you let it go it does not mean you are saying it is all right for them to do it again, it simply means you are letting go of their issues. They are not here right now, only you are. Sit in the energy behind your belly button, called the sacral chakra. Send it the energy of this crystal and let it help you with the process.

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