Thursday 17 April 2014


Men. We love you and you drive us nuts sometimes. Trust us, we know the feeling is mutual. This is a short blog to the women that have men in their lives that can withdraw emotionally. These can be your partners, your sons, your brothers, friends, co-workers or any man you come into contact with.

I read an interesting article written by a man that said it was hard for him to historically be the one that protects the family…. Be able to kill to protect their loved ones. How do you go from somebody that would kill to somebody that would be vulnerable? In that situation it is eat or be eaten. Survival instincts would tell us ALL, men and women alike, to survive and not be eaten.

Studies show us that men do not have the same ability as women to read emotions of others. They just don’t have the same neurons connecting to emotions that women do. This happens at a very young stage of the fetus. All humans start out as female, then at about six weeks, things change. The neurons that continue to grow towards forming community and communication for the female fetus are branched off to start forming the Y-chromosomes to promote a protein called the H-Y antigen. There are many things changing here and one of them is the concentration of sex and aggression that sometimes comes alone with the need to produce sperm. Think about it, if men did not have the ability to beat a competitor, then he could not mate and his DNA would not survive. Without men ladies, we could not have our babies. You cannot hate what you love as well. How can you tell a man you love that part of them but only when you need it and if he needs it, it is bad and punish him for it?Talk about confusing.

When they withdrawn they are simply trying to do what is so easy for us. They are trying to process the emotions without reacting in a way that will hurt you. Their first instinct is to get angry to defend and concour. If they love you they do not want to do that. When they have in the past they then deal with the shame and guilt of it. Allow them to take the time to process the emotions and make good choices on what to do with them. They are not withdrawing from you or not loving you, they are figuring out how to love you better. Support them; do not attack them when they are vulnerable as well.

Women it is time to start teaching men through supportive means not attacking and rubbing salt in the wounds of the past. When somebody withdraws their love because they are scared and confused, it is not a time to withdraw yours. It is a time to step up and love them more. If they are there, they are trying. Love them while they do. They are learning how to move into their heart chakra. They are moving their heart chakra into their solar plexus as we are moving our solar plexus energy into our heart chakra. Be strong for them so they can figure it out.

They love you or they would not take the time to step back to make sure they don’t hurt you. Love them for trying. They will fall down just as a baby does learning to walk. Every man, no matter how sweet and emotionally secure, will fall at some point. Help them up, don’t kick them. Be a woman in service of love not insecurity and watch your relationships blossom into something beautiful.


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