Monday 25 August 2014

New Moon In Virgo: August 25, 2014

The moon is our closest cosmic brother.  The energy of the moon affects the earth’s water and magnetic pull of the whole planet, including us.  The light from the sun shines through the energy around the Earth from the moon and thus transmits information to the DNA of the human body.  What is this new moon saying to us this month?  Something amazing again.  If you have not noticed, most of the blogs I post are very positive in manner when it comes to the cycles of the moon.  This is because every aspect of the Universe is supportive for you to become healthy and happy. You are not alone.

This new moon is a chance for new starts.  Getting rid of the old thoughts and behaviour patterns and be aware of the need to honour and love yourself.  We hear this over and over again, but some find it hard to do even though they know it is for the best;  they just cannot with consistency.    One of the things the new moon in Virgo lets you do is forgive.  Not just others, but yourself.  It’s ok.  Just let it go.  Your old thought patterns will bring in fear telling you not to let go or it will happen again.  Don’t forgive it tells you.  It keeps you in this pattern.  Write down the names of the people you need to forgive on separate pieces of paper today and make sure your name is included.  Lay them out tonight and let the new moon help the energies.  In the morning pick up the papers, say their name out loud and say you forgive them.  Fold the papers and simply place them in the garbage.  The last name you should choose is your own.  “I forgive myself for not loving myself enough to forgive others for their fear of not being loved”.  Fold this piece of paper and keep it with you in your purse, wallet or by your bed this cycle of the moon to help keep this new way of thinking with you.

It is exhausting to feel under attack all the time.  We use this energy of protecting ourselves in old habits that could be used to grow in a better way.  Ask your Angels and the Angels here on Earth to help you move past the anger and fear.  The healing energy in the Virgo New Moon helps with the details that could be the awareness to finally let go, rest and move forward.  It allows you to move into your heart chakra and see that there is only one thing to forgive with anybody….the fear of not being worthy of love.  We know this is not true so all you are forgiving is that somebody believed they were not worthy of love.  In finding compassion you will find forgiveness and be able to use the pain as a tool of compassion that brings you leaps and bounds forward into the New World Consciousness of peace.

The new moon in Virgo happens this afternoon and it will feel like you just got back from a long hard day at the work and you are allowed to rest.  Rest but then take the time to find where you can make improvements.  The moon is in opposition to Neptune and this can sometimes make you feel confused and lost.  Some have a hard time coping, so use meditation and a nice lavender oil to calm yourself down and stay centered in the heart.    Some of us may do something drastic just to have a change, any change, good or bad, from the situation where we are at the moment when we feel lost.  FIND YOURSELF.  You are feeling bad because you left yourself.  Find your way home through the breath.

The new moon is on what is called a Sabian Symbol of Two Guardian Angels.  They remind you that you do not have to be perfect to forgive yourself, nor do others have to be perfect to forgive their fear of not being worthy of love.   Neptune energy brings in the unconscious and it is time to be conscious of your unconscious habits.  With the energy of Uranus in this field as well it represents an “awakening” so a perfect time to put things in order in your spirit as things are in order in the cosmos to make this happen.   The carbon of our carbon life form here on Earth is from the stars. 

Its home calling you back, and its telling you everything is all right.


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