Monday 21 September 2015

3 Signs You're Raising An Indigo

The world is changing.  Some want this change, and some are fighting it every step of the way.  Those that do not want the world to change will become dinosaurs.  They will fade off and die. The world will be left with us, and our children.  We are the change we want to see in the world.  This means our children are changing too.  Our children are being born more "awake" then we ever were.  "Awake" meaning that they have not forgotten where they are from.  They are born knowing we are all one and almost demand to be treated as such.  It may seem very weird to some of you to think that your 3 year old thinks that they deserve just as much respect as you do.  It is really weird? Do you meditate that we are all one, and ask for world healing, yet when you have an opportunity to show the youngest of our planet this grace, you protest and call them "undisciplined"?  They are saying that they are your equal, and you do not like it.  Let's look at three sure signs you are raising an Indigo that you might have missed as discipline problems.

Hate Being Told What To Do
They believe in freedom for everybody.  They do not like being told what to do because you have taken away their freedom.  They can get very temperamental and even throw things when forced to do something they did not want to.  This can be bedtime in younger children to curfew with older teenagers.    They seem to have a switch that just turns ON and there they go.  How can you avoid this?  Give them options.  Ask your child why they think its a good time for them to have the same bedtime each night.  They will tell you.  If they do not, prompt them, not tell them.  Suggestions for this are  "Are you usually happy or grumpy when you do not get enough sleep?"  This reminds them of the cause and effect.  They are very logical.  Work with that.  "Dont you want to have lots of energy to have fun at school tomorrow or with your friends?"  Let them answer.  For older children, ask for their input so that they are not feeling like a prisoner.  Ask them what they think is a reasonable curfew for instance and pre negotiate what the consequences are if that is broken.  Do this when they are not angry.  Do this when everything is calm.  If they agree to it,  you can let them know that you trust them to follow through with their agreement because you trust their word.

Knows When Anybody Is Lying
Really this is not such a bad thing, it is a great thing you think.... until they know when YOU are lying to them.  They are born in a vibration of truth and most are highly intuitive.  They know the vibration of truth and are just "off" when a lie is told.  They do not trust the person and can call you on it.  They can get so upset that you dared lied to them that they get angry and call you  "A LIAR".  Solution....don't lie.  Be honest, open and explain.   They will respect it.  Even if you said you were going to stop at a store and look for their favourite toy car and you told them they did not have any left.... they will know and call you a liar telling you that you did not even stop.  You are shocked, how could they know.  The better solution is to just tell them that you were tired and that you thought maybe they would like to go with you tomorrow to pick out the perfect one.  He may still be upset, but at least he trusts you.  Losing the trust of your Indigo is detrimental to how they see the world.  For older children,  you have to follow the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Again, not such a bad thing.  They hate  one rule for them and one rule for you.    They need solid role models.  Do you tell your teenager how bad smoking is and then ground them but then they see you smoke yourself?  Do you tell them they have to answer your texts but do not get back to theirs in a timely matter?  You yell at them but how dare they yell at you?  Be fair.  Be patient and be the parent you know you can be.  Do not make it, what my father would call.... " A PISSING MATCH".    You will win the fight, but lose the battle every single time.

Has A Hard Time Sleeping
Their mind is hard to stop thinking and dreaming and creating.  They are high energy and you literally have to teach them how to fall asleep.  I have found that a lot of Indigo children and teenagers do better with just their mattress on the ground.  They tell me they feel safer that way.  Try it.   They are thinking of their mistakes they made that day and the mistakes others made.  They tend to be perfectionists and this can cause them to stop trying new things because they are not used to failing.  They feel rejected and take it very hard.  Their mind thinks of ways to improve things in and out of their life and their ON switch is hard to turn OFF.  Young children will love the routine of back rubs and soft music.  Teach them how to fall asleep.  No tv or screen time 45 minutes before bed.  Your brain needs 45 minutes to produce melatonin and if their is light shining in their eye, it signals the brain not to produce this hormone needed to sleep because they eye is screaming "Wait we are still working here!!!" Try buying some lavender oil and put it in a spray bottle with some sparkles and their favourite crystal.  Label it "sleep spray" and spray it before bed on their clothes and pillows.  Their mind will associate that smell with rest and relaxation.  It becomes a good habit.  Now older kids are a bit different.  You may need absolute quiet to sleep but they are the opposite.  They actually sleep better listening to music or with the tv on.  It is background or white noise to them.  It allows them to slowly switch off their mind.  They move from concentrating on the noise instead of thinking to getting tired.  This is not a solution but it helps.  Try asking them to listen to guided meditations at night or hypnotherapy sessions on youtube you  both approve of to help train them.  Trust me, nobody likes not being able to fall asleep.  They can get anxious about sleeping because it is so hard for them.  These kids need to be tired to sleep.  Exercise is important for their sleep, mood and growth.  Lavender oil mixed with some cream, rubbed on their feet helps.  Teach them some breath exercises such as the 4*7*8 to help cut the anxiety and train their brain.  These kids LOVE feeling in control of their choices, so tell them that you are teaching them to control their choice of sleep. 

 Click here to read more about the benefits of 4*7*8 breathing and how to do it

Having an Indigo Child gives you the ability to step up to the plate and be a better person under the microscope of their little hearts.  Rise to it.  They need you.  You need you.  We Need You!

If you need more help with your Indigo child, feel free to contact Angel Rogers who has been trained to deal with Indigos and raised three herself.  Her strategy is to train the parent, not the child, so you are always their hero.  You can book at


  1. Thank You! This is wonderful. I have an 18 year old grandson who lives with me. He does not fit into the norm of.He is very intelligent I am so proud of myself for showing him a different way other that what he grew up with. Now, I am going to forward this to my youngest daughter who has my youngest grandson and is wonderfully indigo.

  2. Thank you for sharing that. Kids at that time have a real hard time adjusting to the world around them that they know is not right but they have to live in.


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