Wednesday 18 February 2015

New Dark Moon - Feb 18, 2015

We are all affiliated with the energy of the moon.  It moves us, it affects us and the cycles of the moon represent different things at different times.  Today’s new moon is a special one:  A DARK MOON.  This means there is no sun reflecting on it today so it seems dark in our sky.  Todays moon falls in 29 degrees Aquarius and falls in Aquarian Decan 3 and falls in what is called Delta Hydrus in Hydrus, the male water snake, a constellation that slithers by the South Pole.  It is also the closest moon of the year so it is a SUPER, DARK, NEW MOON!  The next super moon does not occur till March 2015.  This new moon falls in the 29th degree of Aquarius. It marks a moment right before the Sun transitions into the magical, empathetic and caring sign of Pisces (quite literally since the Sun enters Pisces approximately two minutes after it takes place).  It is a chance to find parts of your belief systems that create your personality that you want to change, and change them for good. It is a chance to be kinder and gentler to yourself while still making amazing changes. 

In Astrology, the 29th degree is the last degree of a sign and it marks a significant turning point.  So many of you are at that tipping point of trying to make a change and just being the change.  The “change” becomes permanent and no longer something you have to strive for. Aquarius is about thinking more than just yourself but thinking more in a universal viewpoint and this allows you to let go of fear of the ego.   This helps you to not be afraid to do the things you want to do and get them out of thought and into action and really sets the stage for the next 6 months.  It is where you can create Magic in this moon and create the life you want to live.  The new moon in 29 degrees in Aquarius makes what seems impossible, possible, creating the right space for things to happen and synchronicities with the universe.  Meditate tonight on life purpose as the new Super moon brings in an acute awareness to energy, so take advantage of it.

This makes new moon energy perfect for making changes that last.  Changing the foundation of belief systems so you are not “faking it till you make it”.  The dark new moon means there is a fresh start; you are planting in a fresh field.  You have peace and serenity, no weeding and no snakes to attack you.  You can take your time and be in thought to sow new seeds of intention no matter what you planted before.

This is the second new moon in Aquarius and it is something very special.  Where the moon is in with the tipping point in Pisces you can make radical changes that last as Pieces rules the ridding of the old.  Items you can use during this new moon to help set an alter of intent are: clear quartz to clear your energy and connect you, black onyx to help ground you in the field of positive changes, lavender or sandalwood oil and flowers.

I am not an astrologist, but thanks to Crystal Bichalski's article, here are some of her thoughts on how this Super Moon will affect your specific Astrological sign.

Aries: Your magic is coming from within or something secretive with this Supermoon. The hidden sector of your life is being highlighted and this is a good time to take a step back and get to know the real you. Opportunities or awareness could begin that help you make some sort of psychological breakthrough which could be ever so freeing. Secrets could come out or you might find yourself hanging out with someone in secret. Some new awareness or event could stem that comes totally out of the blue or in an unexpected way.

Taurus: Time to make some magic on the social scene! This is a great time to be with friends or embark upon creating a new group of some sort. Some new information or awareness about a group you belong to may reveal itself. You may also find that a lot of new invitations to various events start coming your way.

Gemini: If you’ve been looking for a new job or someone to tell you that you’ve been doing a good job—this Supermoon magic could deliver. Something brings you into the public eye or puts you at the forefront of people’s mind. You will likely find yourself in a more public place or in a spot where others are looking upon you—in a good way. You’ve likely worked hard to get to this point so embrace it!

Cancer: Your magic could take you on a new spiritual journey, a long distance trip or begin the planning of one. Matters involving higher education (including new jobs), in-laws and things of a foreign nature could also come to the surface. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school—this is a great time to do so. The educational and teaching realm in your personal astrology is heightened now.

Leo: Your magic can be found in the realm of intimacy, help from other people, investments and inheritance/legacy themes . A new intimate/sexual relationship could begin or you have a new sexual encounter. Matters of deep nature may surface and you could begin to make discoveries about things you’ve hidden on a subconscious plane. The possibility of a financial gift of some sort could also surface.

Virgo: Close and personal relationships—including business partnerships are your focus. This Supermoon magic could deliver a marriage proposal or an initiation to embark upon some sort of new partnership. An offering of some sort could be on the table. If you own your own business you may find more clients initiating services from you.

Libra: The push to get a little more organized in your daily life could overcome you. Spring cleaning could come a little early for you this year. This is also a great time to embark upon a new routine or start something new at work. Perhaps a new project comes about or you are more involved with a co-worker. If you’ve been thinking about getting a pet, this Supermoon could deliver the magic you need to make the move and commit.

Scorpio: Creative energy is off the charts for you. If you’ve been looking for some personal inspiration this is a magical zone for you to tap into. You might also feel yourself very connected to your children—especially your oldest. It’s time to have a little fun, let loose and maybe even embark on a new romance or love fest.

Sagittarius: Matters of your home, family, personal environment and real estate are your Supermoon focus. Maybe you find yourself in a new home or involved in something new regarding one of your parents. This is also a great time for you to self-examine your roots/spiritual foundation and become very connected with yourself. Your magic touches the realm of karma and past lives in your personal astrology—be aware of new people you’re meeting. You might feel like you already know them from somewhere.

Capricorn: This Supermoon is affecting your communications realm and you may find yourself in some new types of communications (including all things gadgetry!). New learning activities could also be heightened. A quick trip—even purchasing a new car or mode of transportation could come about. Something new involving a sibling, cousin or aunt or uncle could crop up. If you’ve been waiting for news—this could be the time it’s finally delivered.

Aquarius: Things that you value or possess are a central theme of this Supermoon. Thoughts about your financial resources may come into prime focus. You may begin thinking about what you need to do in order to acquire more assets or use your current resources to meet your goals. A new opportunity to make more money or gain a new possession could be in the beginning stages.

Pisces: It’s time for you to come out from behind the scenes and let people see your special magic front and center. Personal emphasis, how you project yourself and self-focus are key for you. With your birthday already here or quickly approaching, this is a great time to start thinking about you and I know that’s quite difficult since you likely put others first! Start thinking about a new health regimen, improving your look (time to go shopping!) or taking steps to improve you.


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