Thursday 12 February 2015

Psychic Vampire’s Class [Free Download]

Psychic Vampires or energy drainers, chances are you have a few in your life.  They hide at work, at home, school and even those passing by.  How can you tell if you have an energy drainer around?  Simple, look in the mirror.  You are your own drainer.  There is no such thing as a psychic vampire because of one simple universal law.  The Law of Free Will.  Nobody can take from you, but you can give to them then complain about it.  I am not denying that you feel drained around these people, but I am questioning as to why.

Let’s look at some common misconceptions about Psychic vampires from a website.  Characteristics Of The Host (The Energy Vampire’s Victim).  An individual who’s life force energy is being drained by an energy vampire will often feel the following:

Tired.  Yes it takes a lot of energy to judge somebody as negative all the time.

Bored.  You were born to create love not negativity so yes your body will react to creating what is not from a higher source so you stop it and move.

Lack of Motivation. When you are creating nothing good, your Spirit disengages from creation until you change your thought pattern to create something good.

Become Irritated.  Grumpy people judge all day and use their energy for condemning people.  You reap what you sow.

Overwhelmed.  Yep it is hard for you to not be in your natural state of love and peace.  So when you are going against your grain, you are often overwhelmed because you are fighting your natural being.

Disoriented.  Not knowing who you are and where your motivation is coming from, joy or fear can set your inner compass off.  I am glad blaming others feels bad.

Depressed or Feel Out of Sorts (even after a brief encounter).  How sad it is for your soul that just wants to love and be loved to judge if a person is attacking them or they person you think is a vampire is just having a hard go of it right now.  Instead of reaching out with love and observing them and not taking it SOOOOO personally,  YOU are acting negatively.  You judge, you shield, you take it personally, you protect, you throw shots back, and you change your make up from love to fear.   I would feel out of sorts too if I was created from the highest and purest blood line that there is.  The Universe and your God is in your bloodline.  You are stronger than what you label VAMPIRE.

If this makes more sense to you than you lost your free will and are meant to suffer around this person or event and would like other options, click the link below and it will take you to a free downloadable class from our head instructor about the truth behind “psychic vampires”.  Let’s shed some light on the topic shall we?

Free Download Link

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